Q NEOCON Anon is a thing

There is an interesting phenomenon that I describe as Q NeoCon Anon.

Please watch the 5minute embedded video, it has all the game mechanics of Qanon,  an inverse role playing game that plays its participants.

I use Q NeoCon Anon‘s assault on Vivek, a Republican presidential candidate as an example of regime opposition the movement has targeted.

One of the first characteristics I noticed is a Q mutation deploying social media influencers, who may have undisclosed conflicts of interest, to try and fortify a coalition around Republican candidates. 


QAnon was built atop a precept that there was a government insider with “Q” level security clearance who knew the truth about a secret struggle for power involving Trump, the deep state, Clintons, pedophile rings, Soros, etc

In October of 2017Q began releasing alleged intelligence in the form of breadcrumbs – called Q drops. This fostered a “QAnon” community devoted to decoding Q’s messages.


Q in itself relied on those who had a fragmented, ad hoc, understading of reality. There is a convenience to Q that relied on simplifications: generalizations, dichotomies, metaphors, moral precepts and so on.
​For many people who may feel hampered by extreme complexity, it made reality operable

QAnon Drop:

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.
Identify and list.
They don’t hide it.
They don’t fear you.
You are sheep to them.
You are feeders.
Godfather III.

Here is another example.

Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).
Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?
Who performed during her rallies?
What jewelry and/or tattoos present?
What other events do they attend together?
What does HRC represent to them?
What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?
What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?
What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?
What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?
Why are they worn/shown openly?
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

Adam Townsend Q NEOCON Anon Adam Townsend Q NEOCON Anon

Each of the targeted words becomes a breadcrumb.
Now anybody can be “Q” with a good “drop”

Regulations, censorship and such dampened the QAnon movement. There is no longer a Q or Qanon hierarchy, it’s now decentralized, organizationally flat.


is now a game running role possessed by anybody who “has done their homework”, and who drops breadcrumbs to be pursued by others and interpreted.


​“he seems to be everywhere” “all over social media

The viewer becomes a participant in the quest to find more puzzle pieces and anything can be perceived as a clue

And I understand why


He says what we all want to hear” ​
End the war” “secure the border” “drain the swamp” “unity” “freedom” “truth

Qanon indoctrinates an open sourced community that looks for symbols connecting celebrities and elites to satanic rituals.


QMatt has identified Vivek as a conspirator in a cabal that wants to ‘say things that people want to hear‘, like ‘stop the war’

Participants form a loose community that contributes to an open data set of ‘mapping relationships.’ Each member can add to it, none can take away

Q NeoCon Anon drop
Why are the mouthpieces of the establishment all so supportive of Vivek?

QNeoConAnon really is a thing

The smears against Vivek appeal to a big tent conspiracy movement.
Are people who say things that express popular opinions and dissent from oppressive regime policies – the new targets of QNeoConAnon?

This Q iteration is powerful because participants can quickly interact to influence and evolve a conspiracy and they have no shortage of wackiness around Vivek.

A technique for recruiting and training new participants:
low resolution information. The absence of ‘good info’ is a force multiplier.

Participants understand the game is for them to create engaging misinterpretations and then diffuse it into the community

the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things (such as objects or ideas)

Matt is guiding Apophenia by hinting about the desired conclusions.
The more information that is out there, the easier it is to allow apophenia to guide us into anything.

“It’s like a Darwinian fiction lab, where the best stories and the most engaging and satisfying misinterpretations rise to the top and are then elaborated upon for the next version.”

H/t Reed Berkowitz and his excellent essay:
A Game Designer’s Analysis Of QAnon


Let’s talk about Karl Popper and “imperfect information

Popper was struck by the ease with which one could find confirming evidence for dubious theories.

Marxists found evidence of the class struggle in every event

A Freudian could find confirming evidence of Freud’s psychological theories in every act performed by every person; and had a person acted differently, that behavior too could have been explained by the same theory

Popper believed that we must treat all ideas and theories as tentative solutions, as mere conjectures, and we must never cease to doubt them.
It is our responsibility, in fact, to attempt to refute our own theories

Matt QNeoConAnon is using the tactics of pseudoscience by expanding itself to swallow any disproving situation.

Popper called this:
immunizing tactics

Matt is QNeoConAnon’ing, he wants you to “do your own research” and come to your own conclusions while at the same time prepopulating your own conclusions

These are not facts, they are questions.
Puzzles and clues for the “investigators” to uncover, dO tHe ReSeaRcH


  • Perhaps in a atomized, everyone thinks too highly of themselves The reason I’m not as successful as Vivek is cos I’m not a WEF, Soros shill.
  • Further, the legacy of the Republican party may suffer from being unable to emotionally or intellectually coiuple with Vivek due to an ‘Archie Bunker alienation’
  • There is also a disenfrachised people seeking “agitatainment”

I don’t know the answer(s), but nonetheless, Q NEOCON ANON is a thing