Inner Party and the war against you

Our political system has been transformed. The change is mostly complete and I don’t think cosmetic changes, whichever ornament tops the tree, matters much beyond stylistic preferences.

The Judiciary, Legislative, Executive and even Journalism still exist but they are facades, like a Hollywood film lot that recreates a small town, but the houses are just cardboard and wood and there is no interior, only exterior. 

Fragments of American institutions and iconography still remain to deceive the casual spectator. We have become the bad future.

Decades of chipping away, moral decay, enormous debt, fiscal stimulus that didn’t fiscally stimulate, military adventures, and above all greedy consumption. 

America has been in love with Communism but World Wars intervened. Now, with decades of distance and a history rewritten, the propaganda machine of the State is fully deployed, 24/7 selling its consumer citizens a diseased political, business, social and personal operating system. Every trick in the book, all the internal agitation, the uniformity of the endless loop of ‘experts’. Obey.

My only advice is don’t believe government about anything, challenge everything. Keep demanding that you want your Constitution back. That same artifact that is being shamed is our nations only life-preserver. That is why it is being marginalized and ridiculed. It is deliberate. Put a book back in your hand, weaponize your mind.

Good luck. You are the resistance.