DeSantis and his campaign to lose

How can the DeSantis campaign be so bad?

Table of Contents


  • I like Ron DeSantis, he’s a fantastic governor.
  • This post is not about Ron DeSantis, it’s about the Ron DeSantis campaign.
  • The campaign is a Washington D.C gangster’s paradise and Republican placebo.
  • I’m not going to regularly update this because the campaign is batshit crazy – so the abnormal is too frequent – but I’ll come back every once in a while with an update and to to say “how crazy is that?”

My premise is that the campaign is engineered to lose.

Why would they want to lose? I believe it’s to allow a Reagan’esque electoral win by Biden, removing any doubt from the 2020 election and the legitimacy of the incumbent regime.

DeSantis’ campaign is programmed to lose against Biden with dignity, a magnificently mediocre concession speech to teary eyed college republicans chanting “2028.” and something about “fighting for freedom” and so on and so on. You really should be there when it happens!

I’m not going to persuade you of anything, I’ll let his campaign do that and I’ll just annotate. Let’s begin…


This is the experience of visiting the campaign website, I’ve sped it up 3x

Let’s break the site down into some smaller bits.

Any button you click such as events, volunteer, shop, donate, etc., opens up in a new window.

You leave the homepage environment and now you’ve got junky tabs opened up. If you want to go back to the home page you have to find the tab from the ones you’ve opened up. 

To make it even crazier, the tabs that are opened direct you to a WinRed page, which has a different avatar, so you wind up with the Ron DeSantis home page and a bunch of WinRed tabs and the pages have no navigation to go back to any other part of the page. You can’t go from ‘donate’ to ‘volunteer’, etc. Each page is totally isolated from the others. It’s F’ing bananas.


ron desantis 1 landing


Mobile site breaks and isn’t responsive to different screen sizes and viewing. I use an Apple 14, I set my display to have a font 2 clicks higher.

DeSantis mobile adam townsend


The events page has only one event listed for in the ‘show All’ tab, lol


If you haven’t given up yet and yer feeling lucky, this is what you get when you click on the Meet Ron DeSantis tab. I shit you not, I had to take two pics to get most of it in


Desantis adam townsend scroll page 1

In case you missed it, on the landing page there is a scroll of ‘contributors’ ticking, for example: ‘$20.50 from Mary L, Chicago.

This serves as a scarecrow, it creates friction and apprehension. When you land on the page the emotional reaction is “Holy shit, are they gonna doxx me?” Rationally its likely that the scroll is just a loop, nevertheless, that doesn’t lessen its effect. Scarecrows are also not real farmers but they frighten away the birds.

Another scarecrow in the donate page, to scare away the birds.

Desantis adam townsend scroll page 2


There’s lot of the usual merch, mugs, and so on.

DeSantis campaign official t-shirt

The twitter account for the campaign tweeted this t-shirt. In case you need help seeing it, it actually does say “stop pussy footing arounddesantis t shirt pussyfooting adam townsend


This is the campaign video. Awe inspiring eh? He’s all alone.

Every Republican knows what the reality is, that reporters will jam an elevator with Mitt Romney and say:

  • “DeSantis wants to arrest pregnant women, do you agree with him?”
  • “DeSantis said he won’t give kids their medicines, do you agree with him, should kids get their medicine?”

And there will be 500 protesters in the lobby high out of their minds on lattes and looking for a fight.

Not only is the commercial bad, but it’s cowardice.



What you think of Gretchen Whitmer, her website is great. Here’s some pages with any explanation needed.


When you want to win, you do winning things.


The campaign’s landing page in 2012

You read that right, 2000 fucking 12

Romney home page 2012 desantis adam townsend



This is the video commercial that the big money DeSantis aligned SuperPAC ran in Nevada. Several States each got their iteration of this same message, same slow pans and barely any presence from DeSantis. 


A backbone of steel“, lol.

This thing looks like a mailing I get from Domino’s pizza

desantis mailing from never back down


Jeff Roe, head of the SuperPac Tweeted this. In case you can’t read what he wrote in his subtweet of the Never Back Down twitter account, it says “No Bone Spurs Here” and then hashtag is


How is it possible that the campaign is so bad?

This is only the horribleness that is visible to an outsider, we don’t see the campaign’s  field operations, training of field staff, outreach into early primary voting districts and delegates, door knocking and so on.

Let’s take a look at the staff of the campaign and the SuperPAC closely aligned with it, but first this flashback…



In 2021 and 2022 DeSantis was crisscrossing the country for his Florida Gubernatorial campaign, fundraising was intended to get large national donors for his presidential campaign.

He was in California, raising money in San Diego, Los Angeles, Irvine, Las Vegas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Texas, the domain of Ted Cruz


Between his direct campaign and the aligned political committee, donors gave DeSantis more than $200 million for his reelection bid, a staggering sum that is the most raised by any gubernatorial candidate in American history. Odd for a seat that was opposed by only the usual assortment of big and small dollar vanity campaigns.

In all he spent about $100 million for his 2022 Gubernatorial reelection.


In March 2023, Florida elections officials changed campaign finance guidelines to benefit DeSantis and allowing allies to move tens of millions of dollars to a super PAC supporting his 2024 presidential campaign.

Versions of the handbook dating back to 2016 read, “A Florida political committee must use its funds solely for Florida political activities.” The version for the 2024 cycle, however, advises, “A Florida political committee may make contributions to an out-of-state political entity that engages solely in non-coordinated expenditures.”


In May 2023, hours before officially filing paperwork to join the 2024 presidential race, and the announcement on Twitter with Elon Musk, DeSantis signs SB 7050, which created an exemption to the state’s “resign-to-run” law for presidential candidates which he and his political surrogates had hinted at last year with DeSantis’ political ambitions in mind


At the announcement of his presidential campaign, the Florida political committee once controlled by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis transferred $82.5 million to a super PAC supporting his presidential campaign.

DeSantis disassociated from his state committee; his chairperson stepped down and a new chairperson, state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, a DeSantis ally, now has stewardship over the leftover funds. The committee, formerly called Friends of Ron DeSantis, rolled into the Empower Parents PAC.



Within the first 24 hours of his announcement DeSantis claims to have raised a record $8.2 million.

But, did he? 

The DeSantis campaign said it had around 40,000 donors in May and the haul was $8.2 million. That works out to an average of more than $200 per donor, a figure far higher than is typical for a campaign heavily funded by grass-roots support.

The 40,000 donors that DeSantis claims also happens to be the threshold that the Republican National Committee just set for candidates to qualify for the first debate stage.

By comparison, Bernie Sanders raised $5.9 million in his first 24 hours in 2019 — but from 223,000 donors, for an average donation of around $26.

How could DeSantis have raised more money from fewer people?

“Donations in a week for a leading presidential campaign is either a sign that they didn’t prepare well enough heading into the launch or there isn’t the kind of grass-roots support from regular people they had probably hoped for…That’s a donor number you expect from top-tier Senate campaigns, not a leading presidential.Tim Tagaris, digital strategist who oversaw the Sanders fund-raising operation in 2020.

Kamala Harris had 38,000 in her first day in 2019 and raised $1.5 million that day.


Generra Peck

manages the campaign and she earlier led his 20-point clubbing (that cost $100million, hmmm) of Democratic gubernatorial challenger Charlie Crist in November.

Bryan Griffin

Press secretary, the same role he held in the Governor’s office.

Lauren Lofstrom

handled finances for Cruz’s 2016 campaign, oversees the books.

Carl Seusa

Established the WinRed digital fundraising platform that piled up more than $1 billion for GOP candidates in 2020, will serve as chief technology officer.

David Abrams

Former communications director for New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, will handle the campaign’s messaging and paid media initiatives.

Dustin Carmack

Policy director and former congressional chief of staff and chief of staff for the director of national intelligence. Carmack just left working with the Heritage Foundation.

Ryan Tyson

advisor. He is the CEO of Tyson Group. From their website, “national full-service public opinion research consultancy. Our quantitative and qualitative market research solutions help inform strategic decisions, optimize strategies, and develop winning campaigns. We have a team of experienced researchers and data scientists who specialize in a wide range of industries and methods, including online surveys, focus groups, phone surveys, text message campaigns, and more.”

Dave Rubin, surrogate

Dave is an influential social media presence and political commentator, creator and host of The Rubin Report, a political talk show on YouTube and BlazeTV.

David Sacks. Donor, surrogate

Davis is a VC, one of several founders of PayPal, Yammer, a friend of Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, and so on and so on


The Never Back Down SuperPAC is the top PAC supporting DeSantis campaign. In addition to its ad spending, it plays an oddly outsized and closely coordinated role in the field operations that are typically handled by campaigns.

This was a recent ad supporting DeSantis


The PAC appears to have about $30m in hand, of which Robert Bigelow is the largest donor. He has already donated a little more than $20 million.

Other than that, much of the money is opaque as it is in a syndicate of nonprofits that don’t have to disclose contributors, and can then transfer money to the PAC thru several legal structures.


Jeff Roe

Runs Never Back Down. He and his firm, Axiom Strategies, have guided thousands of campaigns and raked in hundreds of millions of dollars. Cruz’s 2016 campaign manager and one of the GOP’s savviest operators. Jeff is the one who made the foul hashtag on his tweet. Disgusting.

David Polyansky

Ted Cruz’s 2016 Iowa caucus guru and former chief of staff

Chris Wilson

A top Cruz pollster runs polling and analytics


“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been working for months on plans to tear down and rebuild both the Department of Justice and the FBI, consulting with experts and members of Congress to develop a “Day One” strategy to end what conservatives see as the weaponization of the justice system.”



  • I have snatched a lot of the bits and pieces from various news articles and I have tried to link to each source.
  • I could have goten some details wrong, most likely insignificant, so whatever.

a. UPDATE June 28, 2023

Invasion branding campaign

This is a new brand that is being marketed heavily.

DeSantis calling it an “invasion” is a recursive loop of legalese.

For example there’s “legal status” “lawful presence” “deferred action” “deferred enforced departure” “Temporary Protected Status“, “invasion” is not a legal or term used within agencies. It is “shovel ready”

Further, Trump’s attempts were largely contested and/or tossed and/or kept in limbo so as to make it all inactionable, so this branding neglects the realities.

adam townsend desantis

Invasion t-shirt

DeSantis campaign unveils new t-shirtadam townsend desantis

DeSantis anti-Semite surrogate

Pedro Gonzalez is a journalist and bombastic defender of DeSantis and attacker of Trump and his voting base. The article should be read as I can’t give enough emphasis to its contents. Pedro has staunch advocates who claim that this was 3 years ago and ‘not who is is today’ and it’s an attack because of his political engagement. 

I will link to the article but will not repost any of its contents here. I don’t know him, I only know the texts that were revealed

adam townsend desantis

DeSantis end of June poll numbers

adam townsend desantis

b. UPDATE June 30

TV Interview: DeSantis says he will kill people crossing the border. 

“Stone cold dead.” Watch the clip

DeSantis ANTI-LGBTQ commercial. Watch it!

DeSantis endorses anti-gay ad

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is defending an anti-LGBTQ video his campaign shared online that attacks rival Donald Trump for his past support of gay and transgender people, despite some of his fellow Republicans calling it homophobic.”

DeSantis campaign surrogate denies the campaign relationship to the ad

A (very) prominent DeSantis surrogate denied the campaign had any relationship to the ad, but guess what…desantis surrogate anti gay ad adam townsend

The campaign authored the ad, then used a cut out to release it

“A DeSantis campaign aide had originally produced the [widely mocked] video internally, passing it off to an outside supporter to post it first and making it appear as if it was generated independently”


Post mortem on the “Mamas For DeSantis” campaign commercial

Doctors, hospital staff, nurses and so on, deal with death every day, watch this campaign ad and then we’ll begin its autopsy


How does an empty events calendar costs million of dollars

This is the DeSantis campaign events calendar as of July 23rd. Emptiness has never been so expensive.

adam townsend desantis

Somehow, even though his campaign events calendar has been almost entirely empty since the first day of his campaign, DeSantis has spent million of dollars in events costs. Strange, eh?


“Ground Game” is revealed to be a lie

Never Back Down claims to have a great “GROUND GAME“. All its surrogates and true-believing supporters said they had magic in a bottle, the biblical “Ground Game” that will win elections.

Never Back Down lied. 

Watch the Video, how bad is the “DeSantis Ground Game”

(from a video dated July 14)

Never Back Down/Team DeSantis – video recorded  by the door cam of a South Carolina home owner. DeSantis door knocker saying “Suck my balls, suck my Harry balls.” and admits to being stoned.

Question: Do you know who else had a $100 million dollar ground game?

Answer: Jeb Bush


John Cardillo, anti-hindu

DeSantis campaign surrogate tweet this about Vivek Ramaswamy a Republican candidate for President.

Anti-Semitic Twitter DeSantis campaign commercial

Nate Hochman, using the same cut-out schema as was deployed for the anti-gay DeSantis ad, shares an ad in support of DeSantis.

Note the ad also uses the image of the sonnenrad – a symbol originating in Nazi Germany and later employed by neo-Nazis and other far-right individuals and groups. 

ron desantis campaign anti-semite

DeSantis campaign calendar is empty 

desantis calendar campaign july 23 adam townsend


New ad, so bad

This is the tweet

desantis new ad twitter copy pasta

When you Click thru to the link you go here.

desantis new ad twitter copy pasta1

  • Is this enough cliches for you?
  • The red marks are double spaces in between the sentences, as opposed to the green marks of single spaces.

desantis new ad twitter copy pasta2 with notes


DeSantis campaign fires anti-Semite video creator

In the July 24th UPDATE, a video was shared on Twitter by a DeSantis campaign staffer. Turns out (no big surprise) that the video was created by the staffer and then shared thru a cut-out anon account.

 DeSantis fires 30% of staff


WATCH THR VIDEO: Debunking the $100+ million dollar “ground game”

I did a broadcast on twitter Spaces. It’s an audio only medium, but I edited it and added some videos. It’s excellent and explains why the ground game was always a lie.


There isn’t much to write about DeSantis going forward. I tweeted this in November 2022, not much has changed

adam townsend tweet desantis

The campaign has imploded and with equal energy, the relentless prosecutorial pursuit of Trump explodes with new charges.

The Never Back Down campaign was built as a franchise operation. It planned to launch with DeSantis and then, once capacity and infrastructure had scaled, the keys would be given to a ‘better candidate.’

There is no way that the exceptionally experienced people at Never Back Down, its funders and apparatchiks didn’t know that DeSantis is a buffoon, but I don’t think they knew he would be the disaster he has been.

Ron DeSantis was revealed to be a buffoon’s buffoon.

Social media influencers and DeSantis

The only authority the DeSantis campaign staffers were allowed was to engage in light advocacy and fast response by using social media tools and surrogates, particularly on Twitter.

This little amount of power given to the campaign caused exponential amounts of harm as the product of their efforts caused radioactive bad will and further chased away large, medium and small donors who don’t want to carry the risk of: “What will these asshole social media people say next? What jeopardy and volatility are they introducing and how can I mitigate the risk?”

  • Republican big dollar donors are stepping aside
  • Small dollar donors are ill-aligned with the party interests
  • Who will fund the DeSantis campaign or whatever candidate takes possession of the ‘Establishment Republican’ apparatus?

The answer is that the Democrats and those ‘adjacent’, will become, through a network of inter-webbed dark money 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 structures, the primary patron of the Republican party.

The GOP consultants will shape the Republican environment, nudging its inhabitants to politically self-immolate. Biden will be re-elected, and if Biden is no longer available, some other morally impaired corporate replicant will suffice.

Will there be a new establishment Republican Candidate?

Before his campaign became official, I expected DeSantis to be moved aside and another “White Knight” establishment candidate to be swapped into his place. But now, only 3 months after the debut of his campaign, I don’t see it.

What candidate can immunize themselves to the bad press and the faithless support of the disaffected Conservative voter.

Who will fund the Republican Party?

  • What large donor can withstand the public shaming directed at any Republican? 
  • A democrat “liberal/Progressive” can support the Republican party and be lauded for the blatant subterfuge.

I expect this will likely be my last update to what has become the serialization of the worst political campaign I have ever seen.

Is this the end of the campaign to lose, or is it just the beginning of the campaign to not win?

Perhaps Trump will advance to the general and then to an election, but I’m not predicting that.

l. UPDATE July 31

DeSantis disastrous use of Twitter ads examined

The campaign is so bad it keeps dragging me back in, read this

Campaign involvement in neo-Nazi campaign commercials is proven 

“Senior aides to Ron DeSantis oversaw the campaign’s high-risk strategy of laundering incendiary videos produced by their staff through allied anonymous Twitter accounts


August 3, 2023: Slit some throats


The worst campaign I have ever seen gets worsER

“dear Priscilla, the howls of the wind haven’t let up, I fear this may be my last missive.”

This post was not intended to be a campaign diary, it was begun so that I could state my case, that the DeSantis campaign is being engineered to lose, and so I could present a preponderance of evidence. I feel I have proven my case, but sometimes it’s helpful to add new updates. People are forgiving, they imagine the best, but the campaign is irredeemable, so I got more fresh evidence.

Iowa fair, August 17, article

“Surveys say it’s Trump’s race to lose: the Race to the White House polling average of the state shows Trump up 44% to 18% over DeSantis.”

VIP TIX GIVEAWAY . Watch this ad, would you click it?

Compare 2004 Bush Cheney website vs 2023 DeSantis website

adam townsend desantis website adam townsend desantis website

adam townsend desantis website

WINRED. Does DeSantis realy have 40,000 donors? Nobody knows 

When WinRed, the company that processes nearly all online Republican campaign contributions, recently released its enormous trove of donor data for the first half of the year, donations were conspicuously absent for one presidential candidate: Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida.

It was no technical glitch. The DeSantis campaign worked with WinRed in a way that prevented the disclosure of donor information, ensuring that the campaign’s small donors would remain anonymous, according to a person familiar with the campaign.

The arrangement appears to be the first of its kind for a presidential campaign since WinRed’s founding four years ago and could presage a return to an era in which far less information on small donors is made public, at least for Republicans.

Representatives for Mr. DeSantis declined to describe details of the arrangement. The person familiar with the campaign said the aim was to prevent other campaigns from poaching Mr. DeSantis’s donors.

But the move has other effects, including obscuring exactly how many — or how few — online donations Mr. DeSantis has received.


“Who Owns Ron DeSantis?

“In his last campaign, he pulled in 313 contributions of $100,000 or more from an assortment of plutocrats and special interests.

There’s no question that it’s illegal for a federal candidate to transfer money they raised for a state committee to a federal super PAC,” Erin Chlopak, senior director for campaign finance at Campaign Legal Center who worked for nearly a decade as part of the Federal Election Commission’s Office of General Counsel, told OpenSecrets, a nonprofit, in May. The Campaign Legal Center and End Citizens United each have filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission alleging that DeSantis’ transfer of money raised for a state campaign to a federal campaign violates federal election law.”

Is Never Back Down exploiting the FEC failures? 

Why has the FEC become ineffective?

“Congressional opponents of strong federal campaign finance laws were able to prioritize the recommendation and confirmation of Commissioners ideologically opposed to the FEC’s mission, exploiting the agency’s structure and rendering it ineffective.

The FEC is led by six Commissioners, who are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

Under federal law, no more than three Commissioners can be affiliated with the same political party, and at least four Commissioners must agree to take any substantive action — including, opening an investigation, assessing a civil fine, approving an advisory opinion or writing new rules.

While these rules were designed to prevent both major parties from turning the FEC into a partisan institution, requiring a four-vote majority to take substantive action also means that three Commissioners of the same party, acting in concert, can leave the agency in a state of deadlock, which is when the agency is blocked from doing its job.

Since the mid-2000s, members of Congress who oppose transparency and welcome unlimited secret spending in our elections, led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, have worked to ensure that people opposed to the agency’s core mission occupy three of those seats.

These Commissioners have failed to enforce the law against both Democratic and Republican special interests and hold them accountable for flagrant legal violations.

The agency’s dysfunction has also undermined voters’ right to know who is spending money in our political system.

Between 2012 and 2019 — the very period in which outside groups’ spending on elections has exponentially increased, foreign nationals and governments have willfully manipulated our elections, and coordination between super PACs and candidates has become commonplace — the FEC deadlocked on enforcement matters more often than not, frequently refusing to even investigate alleged violations despite overwhelming publicly available information supporting them.

As a result, the Commission has been unable to act on major issues like the wholesale lack of disclosure of secret spending through 501(c)(4) nonprofits that may engage in political activities without disclosing their funding, straw donor schemes used to conceal the true sources of election spending and illegal coordination between candidates and super PACs.

Nor has the agency been able to revise its rules to contend with seismic shifts in the electoral landscape, including the widespread proliferation of super PACs, as well as the dramatic shift of election campaigning to digital media and streaming services.”

p. UPDATE JANUARY 21, 2024

DeSantis suspends campaign

Such a powerful quote from Winston Churchill.

Except it was a lie, Churchill never said this – and DeSantis got a ‘Community Notes’ on the way out the door, lol.

According to the International Churchill Society, Sir Winston Churchill never ever said the words Ron DeSantis attributes to him in this speech announcing the end of his presidential campaign. It was from a Budweiser ad in the 1930s

DeSantis quitting fake winston churchil quote

My work her is done.

One thing though, who funded Never Back Down? We may never know, buh bye.