It’s time to ban big dogs! #StopTheBiting

We can learn so much from China. They have solved the ‘too many guns’ problem. Now they are ticking off another public threat, big dogs.

These Jekyll and Hyde’s can be more dangerous than a gun, they are unconcealed assault weapons, they are brandished in public.

Something appearing friendly, next thing you know you’re maimed, maybe even dead. And sometimes you are ignored, they casually walk by. But frequently you are cornered and sniffed, maybe licked, and this in itself is a horrible invasion of your personal space!

If you are a younger person it is likely you cannot fully process a trauma of this type. Studies have shown that a consequence of even a dog that is ‘human positive’ can initiate later stress. School truancy are directly correlated with even the most toyish canine, big ones have been known to lead to outright social and academic withdrawal

What to do you must be asking, aren’t big dogs protected by the second amendment, cannot it be argued that big dogs are ‘the right to bear arms’.

Just as we have for thousands of years, we can learn from China. In Chengdu, China 22 dog breeds have been banned within several major districts:

  • Wuhou
  • Chinese rural dog
  • Chenghua
  • Jinniu
  • Jinjiang

The banned breeds are mostly larger dogs or those that are scary or known for aggressiveness. The banned dogs breeds include:

  • German Shepherd
  • Staffordshire Terrier
  • Mastiff
  • Bull Terrier
  • Pitbull Terrier
  • Akita
  • Newfoundland
  • Great Dance

If the pets live in a restricted area and the dog belongs to the banned breeds, owners need to find a new home for it in an unrestricted area.

Perhaps America’s solution to making our cities safer and preventing mass bites can be as civil as the Chinese city of Wenshan, those dog owners were banned from walking their dogs on the street everyday between 7am and 10pm.

Let us be this wise.

I’m being snarky, this is in humor and an old man yelling at clouds. Maybe.
