No BS Review – Waiting for Guffman

(all quotes are from the movie Waiting for Guffman)

Dr. Pearl: People say, You must have been the class clown. And I say, No, I wasn’t. But I sat next to the class clown, and I studied him

Ron Albertson: Some people find it ironical that although we run a travel agency, we’ve never been outside of Blaine.

UFO Expert: I’ve been coming to this circle for about five years, and measuring it. The diameter and the circumference are constantly changing, but the radius stays the same. Which brings me to the number 5. There are five letters in the word Blaine. Now, if you mix up the letters in the word Blaine, mix ’em around, eventually, you’ll come up with Nebali. Nebali. The name of a planet in a galaxy way, way, way… way far away. And another thing. Once you go into that circle, the weather never changes. It is always 67 degrees with a 40% chance of rain.

Corky St. Clair: I got off that boat with nothing but my dancers belt and a tube of CHAPSTICK!

Dr. Pearl: I’m walking on air… you know… this is a sensation which is… forget it. When I became a dentist, I thought I was happy, but this…

A review of Waiting For Guffman

guffman poster cartoon shrunk adam townsend

If you see it and and you don’t love it, if you don’t cry from laughter – you are an idiot not a true fan of the best of comedy movies.

Corky St. Clair: My first show was Barefoot in the Park, which was an absolute smash, but my production on the stage of Backdraft was what really got them excited. This whole idea of ‘In Your Face’ theatre really affected them. The conceptualization, the whole abstraction, the obtuseness of this production to me was what was interesting. I wanted the audience to feel the heat from the fire, the fear, because people don’t like fire, poked, poked in their noses, you know when you get a cinder from a barbeque right on the end of your nose and you kind of make that face, you know, that’s not a good thing, and I wanted them to have the sense memory of that. So during the show I had someone burn newspapers and send it through the vents in the theatre. And well, they freaked out, and ‘course the fire Marshall came over and they shut us down for a couple of days.

I rate this movie SEE IT